The official #wluBucketList

Check off any item on this list and provide us some photo evidence (hashtag #wluBucketList on your Instagram or Twitter, Snapchat us, DM us, tag us on Facebook…the possibilities are endless) and you’ll be entered to win some cool prizes. Some seriously cool prizes. Seriously. 


The List

  1. Little House
  2. Big House
  3. Devils Marbleyard
  4. McAfee Knob
  5. Cold Mountain
  6. Hogback Gap
  7. Anywhere on else the Appalachian Trail
  8. Panther Falls
  9. Brushy Hills
  10. Sunrise hike
  11. Baseball game
  12. Women’s basketball game
  13. Men’s basketball game
  14. Football game
  15. Women’s soccer game
  16. Men’s soccer game
  17. Men’s lacrosse game
  18. Women’s lacrosse game
  19. Men’s tennis match
  20. Women’s tennis match
  21. Women’s swim meet
  22. Men’s swim meet
  23. Track and field event
  24. Wrestling match
  25. Field hockey game
  26. Rugby game
  27. Equestrian event
  28. Cross country event
  29. Volleyball game
  30. Men’s golf match
  31. Women’s golf match
  32. Walk/Run on the Chessie Trail
  33. Frisbee golf on back campus
  34. Tube the Maury
  35. Run the back campus trails
  36. Climb the Alpine Tower (while supervised)
  37. Check out something from the OC Barn
  38. Climb on the OC rock wall
  39. Go on an OC trip
  40. Do a geocache within a 30 mile radius
  41. Do yoga on Cannan Green
  42. Box in Doremus
  43. Play racquetball in Doremus
  44. Attend Fancy Dress
  45. Go to Mock Con Presidential Gala
  46. Join a Mock Con delegation
  47. Attend the Mock Con Parade
  48. Attend 1 Mock Con speech
  49. Attend 2 Mock Con speeches
  50. Attend 3 Mock Con speeches
  51. Go to an event on Canaan Green
  52. Go to the GAB Fall Show at Liberty Hall Ruins
  53. Go to a student art show in Lenfest
  54. Go to a multicultural event
  55. Go to an event at Leyburn
  56. Go to a tea ceremony at Watson Pavilion
  57. Go to Thanksgiving Dinner at D-Hall
  58. Go to a special dinner in Evans
  59. Go to Friday Underground
  60. Get dressed to the nines for Black and White Ball
  61. Go to a play at Lenfest
  62. Go to an art exhibit in Lenfest
  63. Go to a musical performance
  64. Go to an a capella performance
  65. Go to Lessons and Carols
  66. Go to a speaker in your academic department
  67. Go to a speaker not in your academic department
  68. Go to a third academic speaker
  69. Attend W&L Dancers Create
  70. Go to at least one Contact speaker (they are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities)
  71. Go to the E.Café
  72. Go to the Café 77
  73. Go to the Brief Stop
  74. Complete an E.Café loyalty card
  75. Go to a coffee shop in Lexington
  76. Go to a different coffee shop in Lexington
  77. Go to a restaurant in Lexington
  78. Go to a different restaurant in Lexington
  79. Go to 5 different restaurants in Lexington
  80. Go to 10 different restaurants in Lexington
  81. Buy a Feel Good grilled cheese
  82. Grill on the Campus Green
  83. Have coffee with your favorite professor
  84. Thank someone who works in D-Hall
  85. Thank a public safety officer
  86. Thank member of the staff
  87. Thank member of the faculty
  88. Thank a friend
  89. Thank your Peer Counselor/RA
  90. Stand up on a table in D-Hall and sing a song
  91. Donate a pizza to the library during finals week
  92. Give someone a Sunrise sandwich
  93. Participate in Open Airwaves
  94. Audition for a play
  95. Try out for a varsity sports team
  96. Bring your friends and a grill to tailgate before a football game
  97. Play an intramural
  98. Be a WLUR DJ
  99. Take an instrument lesson
  100. Do a group exercise class
  101. Play frisbee on campus
  102. Study on the Colonnade
  103. Go to the Science Center Greenhouse
  104. Ride a Blue Bike
  105. Watch a movie at Stackhouse
  106. Get featured on Scene On Campus
  107. Find the hidden shower on the Colonnade
  108. Go to an EC meeting
  109. Study in the Law School library
  110. Make a poster for a sporting event
  111. Make a poster for a nonsporting event
  112. Go to the Lunar New Year celebration
  113. Attend the Equality Gala
  114. Go to SAIL Showcase
  115. Get your ticket and t-shirt for the FD Kickoff concert
  116. Submit an article or essay for a student publication
  117. Visit the IQ Center
  118. Study in the Science Center
  119. Visit or attend an event at the Law School
  120. Go to the Diversity Day lunch
  121. Attend at least one class event
  122. Visit the Center for Global Learning
  123. Volunteer at SPCA
  124. Volunteer at Campus Kitchen
  125. Volunteer for any nonprofit
  126. Visit or attend an event at VMI
  127. Volunteer for any event
  128. Tutor someone
  129. Donate an item
  130. Visit the Robot Cyborg Muffler Man sculpture in Buena Vista
  131. Visit a downtown store
  132. Visit 5 downtown stores
  133. Visit 10 downtown stores
  134. Visit 15 downtown stores
  135. Go to a Trivia Night
  136. Go to a Horse Center show
  137. Go to a City Council meeting
  138. Go to a Lime Kiln show
  139. Go to the Marshall Museum
  140. Go to the Stonewall Jackson Museum
  141. Go to the Natural Bridge Zoo
  142. Go to the Virginia Safari Park
  143. Go to Boxerwood
  144. Take a Ghost Tour
  145. Go apple picking
  146. Go berry picking
  147. Check out the Farmer’s Market
  148. Take a carriage ride
  149. Go to a race at Natural Bridge Speedway
  150. Go to Shakespeare in Staunton
  151. Volunteer on Nabors Service Day
  152. Watch a movie at Hull’s Drive-In
  153. Like wlulex on Facebook
  154. Follow wluLex on Twitter
  155. Follow wluLex on Instagram
  156. Follow wluLex on Pinterest
  157. Follow wluLex on Spotify
  158. Follow wluLex on Tumblr
  159. Follow wluLex on Snapchat
  160. Follow a Spotify playlist
  161. Be the subject of a student feature on the wluLex Tumblr
  162. Send us a song for a playlist
  163. Participate in this bucket list
  164. Find all 10 of our numbered stickers
  165. Post a wluLex sticker on something of yours
  166. Take a Colonnade pic
  167. Take 10 #LexPics
  168. Attend any @wluDance production
  169. See the Natural Bridge
  170. Take a tour of Lee Chapel and Museum
  171. Take a tour of the Reeves Center
  172. Leave a penny on Traveller’s grave for luck.
  173. Visit Lake Robertson
  174. Attend a W&L Hillel Shabbat Shalom Diner
  175. Go to Pink Hut!
  176. Compete in cornhole on the Village Green
  177. Hang out at third year housing
  178. Watch a football game from third year housing
  179. Study at the Center for Global Learning
  180. Drink the bubble tea at the Tea House
  181. Go to the remains of Little Sorrel
  182. Robot Cyborg Muffler Man in Buena Vista
  183. Dinosaur Kingdom II: Back From Extinction

Happy #wluBucketList adventuring!! Tag us in your pictures and win cool prizes!

**If you’ve already checked any of these off, send us an old picture, those work too!!  

***If you have an item for us to add, let us know!

wlulex washington and lee wlubucketlist lexpic lexington va hiking bucket list college

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